Thursday, October 6, 2011

Th1rteen R3asons Why Relation

In order to write my book, Ms. Kennett gave me the assignment of reading Th1rteen R3asons Why. This book was so inspiring to the plot of the story I am creating. I really enjoyed this book it was a true page-turner. The Th1rteen R3asons Why was a sort of morbid story about a young girl named Hannah that committed suicide, for thirteen reasons. Hannah records 13 stories about the reasons why she killed herself and they are sent to the people involved one by one. The story is the journey of the last person, Clay, listening to all of the tapes and following a map through the city Hannah had left for him.
I found it very clear as to why Ms. Kennett gave me this story to read. Not only did I have a great interest to the book, however the Th1rteen R3asons Why is a less happy version of my story. Her character Hannah is very similar to my character Brayden. They both live very rough lives and struggle with the hardships that come along with your high school years. They both have friends that come and go and are noticed for all of the wrong reasons. They both find someone they truly mesh with and begin to fancy that person. In Th1rteen R3asons Why it is too late for Hannah to get over the pain and fall in love so she kills herself; however in my story, it is the perfect time for Brayden to meet a new girl.
Along with my main depressed character, my main character that comes along, Jessica resembles the character Clay in Th1rteen R3asons Why. They are both very empathetic and kind people, and they look past all of the bad things they hear about the person they are interested in. They both take the time to get to know someone rather than judging a book by its cover. It was very interesting how my characters fit so well with the characters in Th1rteen R3asons Why.
My setting of my book was very similar to the Th1rteen R3asons Why, they both mainly take place at a school and little places around town that are significant to the troubled character. For example Hannah had a very close tie with Monet’s, a coffee shop; and my character has a very intense feeling towards a park in his small town.
Reading this book inspired many ideas of what Brayden could be going through, rather than just having they typical parent dying story. It was very interesting to see how closely my story related to Th1rteen R3asons Why. It gave me many great new ideas. Reading this book has definitely enhanced my ideas towards my story. I can not wait to begin creating new ideas for my story that have been inspired to me by the Th1rteen R3asons Why.

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